Monday, June 02, 2008

Day 2

finally can get onto blogger after 20 minutes of trying... network here really sucks.

i can only post but cannot view my own blog. dun ask me why. ask the chinese govt why the network is in this state. imagine how the thousand atheletes will feel in Aug 2008. lol

Day 2 began with my first time public speaking in Mandarin. the usual butterflies my stomach, the trembling hands and knocking knees. luckily i have soon yeow to write the script. it was a good thing that we made the speech cos it was a good conversation starter for many teachers who came to speak to us.

my lesson on adjectives and the 12 western zodiac signs could have been better. The time management was not ideal and at the end i had to improvise the lesson plan while keeping in mind the lesson objectives. In the end, i only get to introduce some new adjectives to the kids and i must say although i had 3 teachers sitting at the back of the class, i did ok.

Kids were breaking out in laughter at the correct moment and hopefully, they can remember the 3-5 adjectives that best describe themselves. After the lesson, lunch at the school canteen was pleasant but food in Suzhou is really salty.

Walked ard the main branch of the school and boy, it was beautiful and huge. The gardens, rock formation, the greenery made it picture perfect. It was almost like a movie set.

then a heavy downpour helped to lessen the effect of the hot summer.

The school hosted us to a dinner and again, salty food again and did many many rounds of "wo jing ni yi bei" cos they like to do this when conversation runs dry. So the whole night was "wo jing ni (then we stand up)".... "wo zai jing ni (then we stand up again)" and the cycle continues and continues. The good thing was the Suzhou beer (like our Tiger) is very tasty. LOL.

Still gotta do some refinements to my lesson plan today. will have to add in some chinese words to make it easier for the kids.

k, gtg. i'll hope to be able to blog tmr.

1 comment:

  1. heyy mr tan, singapore tiger beer nt nice de lorr
