Thursday, June 05, 2008


今天终于可以睡到太阳晒到屁股。 我们也终于在永和豆浆店吃早餐。 Ok, i give up. As much as it is difficult for some of you read it, it is also very difficult for me to type in CL.

Was suppose to visit the 拙政园 and then the Suzhou Museum this morning since there is only one afternoon clas today. but found out that they were giving out free tickets to visit the Museum so we went there first instead.

Newly opened, it was also designed by the Chinese guy who designed the pyramids in front of the Louvre Musuem. So u can expect clean lines, simplicity etc . . . took many photos while inside. inside, see more trees, more ponds, more bridges ... ...

attended a CL lesson conducted by the vice-principal and i was among the 25 teachers who were seated at the back. ZzzZZzzZZz, they still use a very traditional style of teaching, i.e. teacher talk while teaching the poem “再别康桥”that was written by "徐志摩" spotted some kids dozing off while he went on and on about the imagery, personification, and emotions of the author.

the one and only lesson was great today. had this gurl who had very weak and underdeveoped bones so she is immobile (you must be mouthing the name of the disorder right not) but she is a great gurl who participated actively in class. So far, this is them most responsive class and the kids have no qualms with using adjectives like "sexy", "handsome" and "pretty" to describe themselves. changed the tail end of the lesson plan since they have the habit of coming up to the front of the class and do presentation. It was a breath of fresh air for me since this is the 6th time i am delivering this lesson (there's still 10 more).

gonna visit the suzhou industrial park tonight with a teacher from the school. hopefully,it will be more interesting than yesterday's visit to “网师园”where there was a series of "i-cannot-understand" performances. Then we bumped into a group of CHIJ St Nicholas' Primary School girls who were also touring this garden. The screaming teachers were having a hard controlling the girls, lol.

周末快到了。 我们将会到同里,虎丘,盘门, 一丝厂,浙江去走走。

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