Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 11 - Shopping in Suzhou

contents abt our conversation include things like:
Feeling confident about oneself. Comes from the experiences and hardwork that we put in our work. It is something that no-one can take away from you. You reap what you sow. There is no short-cut to success.

Lunch at a Xin Jiang restaurant - delicious! roast whole lamb leg, french beans, mushrooms and i didnt have to eat the whole plate of vegetables myself. so there is a little right in the big wrong that i have done.

After my 3 periods (from late morning to late afternoon), was totally exhausted (yay, 3 more lessons to go before i go back to SGP). thereafter, it was to visit 观前街 again but with different company. bot the usual tooth-pick dispensers for mummy's shop before visiting Matro (no typo here) shopping centre. Bleed moolah there.

1) shorts for my v-ball, tennis, running and gym sessions with O.o
2) the black Y-3 belt
3) my first clothing from Dunhill (which according to someone cost a whole of tuition, :P)
4) a silver ring from Gucci:

the joy accrued: intangible (well, I see it as a form of reward for the good work that I have done in the past few years)

dinner at a teppanyaki restaurant turned up to be a surprise. Told by the waitress that they have 150yuan buffet with free flow drinks (alcohol included). Ate in moderation though and judging by the amount and quality of the food that was served, it was comparable to dining at Inagiku except that it cost only a fraction :P things that went into our digestive systems - beef, mushrooms, sweet potato, oysters, sashimi, prawns, fish, scallops. Was jus shaking my head when i realised that i did not have to eat some of the dishes all by myself. jus reinforces the notion that we have changed for the better as individuals :P

finally was able to chat on the phone and be myself while chatting tonight. The relationship has truly normalized as the conversation we had after dinner sort of really tied up all the loose ends of the emotional entanglement that has embroiled us.

Sunday is coming le... yay

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