Saturday, November 01, 2008

last day at jin shan xiang xiao xue

With a ball in hand, a little boy throws it with all his might towards the hoop. While finding its way into the awaiting red ring, the ball left its mark on the collage of mud patches on the board. The school bell resonated through the school compound and echoed off the heavily-canopied mountain slopes. Like a herd of raging bulls, the children scampered back to their spartan classrooms for their passport to a better life. The inevitable parting took place right after the clementeens delivered their final lessons to the children. Falling in according to their levels, the mood turned sombre as the teachers and and students came forward to give speeches of thanks. Using a variety of antonyms, Lee Pin masterfully and skilfully delivered a speech of thanks for their warm hospitality. With his hands firmly planted in his pockets, Bi Li shuffled forward and shifted his weight uncomfortably while conveying his thoughts and feelings. Soon, a confident girl emerged from amongst the children and strut forwards with a notebook in hand...

Then chaos reigned. Daniel and a few others were swarmed as the dancing began. More pictures were taken as the end was approaching and people were making for lost time.

Tears were shed as the last hugs were exchanged. A teary-eyed WT and a few others bade farewell and made promises that they were unlikely to keep given the circumstances. As we left the school and children behind, what cannot be taken away are the memories that were deeply etched in our minds...

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