Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the weekend

the oral examinations are finally over and am glad the kids felt the charms work. did some late minute 1-2-1 on sat before making my way to the Ritz to view the fireworks display.

am on the verge of getting "hook" to dota and must admit i am still a noob at it. scored a first by raking up 3 kills tho I can't remember how i did 2 of them. and the other 1 is a cheap shot.

completed the army half-marathon on sun in 2 hours and 31 minutes. 1 minute above my target, but i blame it on the people who blocked the passage while strolling and talking cock to their friends.

did the first 10km within 55 minutes, which is on track. by the time i hit about 18km, left thigh began to cramp and had to stop and stretch. At the 20.5km mark, both thighs cramped *sianz* but cannot lose form and walk past the finishing line. So grit my teeth and ran past the finishing line in self-delusion that i came in first.

looks like the full marathon is not my cup of tea cos I was limping yesterday. but today, the pain has subsided. so I'll not run the standchart on the 7 Dec but focus on training for the Safra biathlon next march.

still anticipating the arrival of vios ... ...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

too long a break...

1) keeping 2 hamsters as pets.

2) gonna be busy with Mitch's wedding preparation in Sept

3) never swiped my plastic while on holiday (this is A FIRST!)

4) waiting for the arrival of my vios

5) oral exams have started, yay! i just have to endure one-to-one till 25 Aug. Then it's back to the preparation of the written papers. As much as I lament and gripe and procrastinate, i think this batch is more promising. hope the good luck charm works, it better!