Thursday, October 30, 2008


the flight to kunming on silkair was akin to taking one on jetstar. there was no inflight entertainment at all. not even flight information!!! some of the kidz were exceptionally excited abt taking a plane and commented that when the plane makes a u-turn, the left wing will fold down while the right wing will fold up =.=

as the plane careened down the run-way, they were craning their necks to look out of the window and went ga-ga over the brief sense of weightlessness. inflight food has never been something worth looking forward to and on silkair, it is not a surprise. the ice-cream served was aptly named. It was nearly impossible to scoop it with the plastic spoon as it was so hard, leaving deep impressions on our fingers ... and to think we were expecting ben and jerry's...

the view outside

As the plane was making its descent ... ...

the airbus 319 with no inflight entertainment...

Kids were overwhelmed with excitement when transferring to the hotel and as a result, paid no attention to the tour guide. stepped in cos i couldnt stand their behaviour. as i was telling the dos and donts like the precautions to be taken since we are at abt 2000m above sea level and crossing roads, the coach suddenly e-braked and I fell forward. right bum aching till today as a result, and when i recovered from the fall, used the unfortunate incident to reinforced the importance of safety. think that was a very good demonstration for them. had an early night cos we need to be up at 0415hr (ZOMG!) for the transfer to Lijiang...

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